Take your next step

Grace Connect
Grace Connect is your First Step to get Connected at Grace. At Grace Connect you will learn the history, beliefs, values, and ministry philosophy of Grace. We will also talk about a spiritual journey that God has for all of us and how you can discover God’s redemptive plan for your life. Grace Connect has four specific goals:
- Help you identify the Next Steps in your spiritual journey
- Help you get Connected at Grace through Life-Giving Relationships
- Help you Discover what excites you (Purpose)
- Release you to Serve and make a Difference.
Grace Connect has four steps and you can take the first three in any order. It is offered twice per month during one of our morning services and childcare is provided. If you’d like to take your next step, then call or email for more info: office@gracesturgis.com 269-651-1991

Baptism declares publicly what has happened privately in your heart - a decision to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. We get baptized to:
- Follow the example set by Jesus Christ
- Demonstrate your changed Life
- Declare your commitment of faith publicly
Baptism is an exciting initiation into God’s family. It is available to young and old, male and female. At Grace we practice “Believers” baptism, which is for those who have made a personal decision to believe in Jesus, trust him for forgiveness of their sin and salvation of their soul, and are committed to following him as Lord. We also practice baptism by “Immersion” in water, meaning we fully immerse you under the water according to the example we see in scripture.
Call or email for more info on our next scheduled Baptism. office@gracesturgis.com 269-651-1991

Life Groups
We believe that real life change happens in the context of Life-Giving relationships. We need each other! Life Groups meet during the week in homes or at the church during the fall, winter and spring seasons. Life Groups are where we grow together, encourage one another, pray for each other, and support each other through all that life brings our way. Life Groups help us experience quality relationships and grow in our walk with the Lord. Our goal is that everyone at Grace would be a part of a group. If you would like to join email office@gracesturgis.com for more info.

Grace Kids
Our children's ministry, Grace Kids, is a fun environment with high energy lessons that will help give your kids a better understanding of Jesus that is relevant to their lives. It includes:
- Nursery (age 4 mo - 2 yrs)
- Tiny Tots (age 2 - 3 yrs)
- Pre-K (age 4 - 5 yrs)
- Kindergarten & 1st grade
- 2nd & 3rd grade
- 4th & 5th grade
Kids are released immediately after worship to their various classes each Sunday morning. All classes are found in the Grace Kids wing of the building, next to the worship auditorium.
Name Tags: Please have one parent pick up name tags prior to the service start. If this is your first time, please visit the check-in desk in the Grace Kids area and someone will be happy to assist you.
Drop Off: Kids will be dismissed to their classes AFTER worship. If your children need help getting to class, please have one parent take them to the check-in station.
Pick Up: Please have one parent pick up your children after services are dismissed.
Working alongside our teachers we have trained Kids Care volunteers. The Kids Care ministry is a branch of Kids Connection that believes children with physical, emotional, behavioral, and/or cognitive challenges are EXTRAORDINARY, and deserve to encounter a loving and living God with their peers in a safe and fun environment. Kids Care strives to help every child feel safe and to give sensory support when needed.
Email Justin Wickey for more information about Grace Kids

Grace Youth
At Grace Youth we want to help students learn more about Jesus, step into their calling and stand firm on the Word of God. We want to see them living a life that is counter cultural to the world around them, passionately pursuing Jesus and reaching out to the lost around them.
Middle School Youth (Grades 6-8th) meet on Sunday evenings from 4 - 5:30pm at Grace.
High School Youth (Grades 9-12th) meet on Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:45am at Grace. High School also meets once/month on Sunday evenings.
Email office@gracesturgis.com for more info

Global/ Local Focus
Global Focus aligns with our mission to bring transformation to cities and nations. We believe that Jesus is the way to transformation.
We also believe that all people everywhere have experienced brokenness as the result of sin and that God is restoring the four primary broken relationships: with God, with self, with others, and with creation.
It is our honor to partner with God and our neighbors in the transformation of relationships. Because we ourselves are being transformed, we partner with humility.
Global Focus is our mission program.
We are intentional about being involved with organizations and missionaries, choosing a few to partner with financially, relationally, and spiritually. We not only send money to our Global Focus partners, but we pray for them and send volunteers to work alongside them.
Local Focus is a branch of Global Focus.
We believe that investing in the transformation and peace of our own neighborhoods is just as important as investing in neighborhoods across the ocean.
“Work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.” - Jeremiah 29:7
“You will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” - Jesus, Acts 1:8
Email office@gracesturgis.com for more info